Thursday, April 4, 2013

Out of My Mind

"A person is so much more than the name of a diagnosis on a chart."

This is one of the best books that I have read in several years. I will admit that I liked it as least as much as Wonder, which reminded me a lot of this book in all honestly. I have never felt so connected and invested in a character until I met Melody, the fifth grade protagonist of this book. Though she is bound by Cerebral Palsy, she is remarkably intelligent. The only thing is.. no one knows it. She cannot speak, and her body is basically of no use- apart from housing her brilliant mind. To so many, Melody is seen as a helpless cripple with not much to offer... but that is before she surprises others with her immeasurable knowledge and understanding of the world around us in a way that only she can truly grasp.

Sharon M. Draper takes the reader on a roller coaster of emotions, as Melody experience hardships and triumphs... and then hardships again. No one understands her, and many of her peers are not nice- they make fun of her with rude comments- typical middle school-aged behavior (Kids can be cruel!)... Despite her diagnosis, Melody is actually brilliant- her ability to connect with words and images is unique, like no other student. She participates with some of her peers on the Whiz Kid Quiz Team... Eventually she leads her team to victory in a regional competition. this makes some her teammates jealous- how could a girl like Melody be so smart? On the day which she is supposed to fly to Washington D.C. for the national competition, her teammates take an earlier flight and choose to not notify her. :( Melody is constantly restricted by her inability to speak. On another occasion, her mother hits Melody's two-year-old sister while she is driving on the way to school on a rainy day. melody tries to warn her mother, but the words can't come out. Luckily, Melody's sister only has minor injuries, but Melody is still torn up about the event. She so wishes she could have said something to her mother.

This will make any reader (with a fraction of a heart) tear up. My heart literally broke and became whole time and time again as I was reading this book. Out of My Mind is one of the most honest, relevant, touching, emotional, heart wrenching, lovely books I have ever read- it definitely deserves some kind of award! I have never really had the chance to look into the life of a person with a disability like this. Disabilities don't define people. Melody says we all have disabilities- just different kinds. I think  students would learn a great deal from this book. We are all people. We all deserve dignity and respect regardless of any kind of disability.